Sustainability – our holistic AMAG approach 

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Sustainability – our holistic AMAG approach


The AMAG Group assumes responsibility – for social as well as ecological issues. A business run on high ethical standards that strictly meets all regulatory requirements forms the basis for this. 

The AMAG Group actively implements this responsibility, in accordance with the principle of materiality, in three focus areas. AMAG Net Zero pools all activities aimed at reducing CO2 and expanding sustainable mobility services. AMAG Engage combines all initiatives and engagements for society, our employees and all customers. AMAG Fairplay bundles all governance and risk management measures as well as our commitment to build up strong cyber resilience and to promote and maintain the highest health and safety standards. The material topics for the AMAG Group are derived from the value chain and are assigned to the three areas of sustainability.


More information on the targets and measures associated with all material topics can be found in the KPI Report. 


AMAG’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals


4 – Quality Education
Investing in training and education and developing the job profiles of the future.
Supporting and developing our own employees.
Working closely with educational providers in Switzerland.
Young Talent programme for targeted talent promotion. 

5 – Gender Equality
An HR policy that is geared towards inclusion and equality.
Targeted measures to boost the number of women in technical professions.
Women@AMAG Community to raise awareness of gender equality issues. 

7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
Driving the energy transition in Switzerland by expanding clean energy.

8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promoting Switzerland as a business hub by creating and securing jobs.
Commitment to combating the shortage of skilled workers by promoting apprenticeships and developing new job profiles.
Ensuring fair and equitable working conditions in line with ethical guidelines and standards, both for employees and within the supply chain. 

9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Developing needs-based and low-emission mobility offerings.
Research in the field of autonomous driving.

12 – Responsible Consumption and Production
Raising awareness of sustainable mobility and energy solutions and providing relevant information.
Investing in research into synthetic fuels.

13 – Climate Action
Ambition to achieve net zero by 2040.
Investing in environmental protection, innovation and reducing emissions in our own operations and processes.
Engaging with stakeholders in the supply chain.


The AMAG Group’s commitment to sustainability is geared towards the national and international agenda. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are an internationally recognised plan of action to overcome current economic, social and ecological challenges. They are designed to enable an intact environment, well-being and peace by 2030. 

Switzerland has adopted the UN SDGs in its national strategy for sustainable development and set three priorities: “sustainable consumption and sustainable production”, “climate, energy and biodiversity” and “equal opportunity and social cooperation”. The AMAG Group is proud to be able to make a direct contribution to seven out of the 17 SDGs through its commitment. It also endeavours to reinforce positive effects through projects with partners. 

The AMAG Group’s core business, the automotive sector, is currently the biggest lever for driving climate protection and reducing CO2 emissions on an ongoing basis. Employee education is another area in which we can take effective action, particularly in times when job profiles in the industry are constantly changing due to digitalisation and electromobility. As one of the companies with the largest trainee intakes in Switzerland, the AMAG Group uses its expertise and makes a significant contribution to the further development of the mobility sector by developing sustainable apprenticeships and ensuring equality. Ethically correct, transparent and exemplary conduct is another prerequisite for fair market conditions and the protection of AMAG’s competitive standing.

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