Renewable mobility for Switzerland


The AMAG Group’s strategic orientation is closely linked to our corporate mission. As a provider of individual renewable mobility, we aim to offer a broad range of needs-based, flexible and low-emission mobility solutions. By merging its Energy & Mobility business units, the AMAG Group has positioned itself as a pioneer for a renewable Swiss mobility landscape. In addition to ecological sustainability, the AMAG Group’s strategy consists of four other focal areas that take account of key economic and social aspects of corporate governance: digitalisation, business, customers and culture. 

The mobility needs of the Swiss population have been growing for years now. At the same time, however, the mobility sector is also one of the biggest greenhouse gas emitters in Switzerland.



This creates an urgent need for new solutions if we want to achieve the “net zero” target set by the Swiss federal government by 2050.


Electromobility and renewable energies are key components of this sustainable transformation process.

The AMAG Group wants to continue growing profitably in order to safeguard its innovative capacity in the long term and remain an attractive employer in Switzerland. The aim is to secure its core business and tap into new business areas. With the acquisition of Helion Energy AG in 2022 and its successful integration into the AMAG Group in the following year, the AMAG Group has merged its Energy & Mobility business units and paved the way for renewable mobility in Switzerland.

Renewable mobility stands for mobility that uses renewable energies and keeps greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum. This includes not only the use of electric vehicles charged using electricity from renewable sources, but also low-emission production and delivery, the use of synthetic fuels, as well as needs-based forms of mobility such as subscription models. Renewable mobility also requires smart networking and control of the various modes of transport. This is crucial to achieving optimum levels of capacity utilisation and efficiency. AMAG is using all these measures to make a significant contribution to protecting our climate and improving quality of life.


AMAG’s strategy is centred on its customers, whose trust and feedback play a key role in shaping the development of new mobility offerings.



However, the transformation of the business towards electromobility also calls for new approaches and solutions. The AMAG Group’s digitalisation strategy in particular makes a significant contribution to our ability to offer new products and services and streamline internal processes. This boosts efficiency and ensures the company’s future viability in the long term. With this in mind, progress in the area of digitalisation was measured in the 2023 financial year, with further action areas being identified and various use cases implemented. Projects launched included the development of a Group-wide data governance system and the design of a scalable data architecture, both of which are fundamental to digitalisation.

To get customers more interested in renewable mobility, the AMAG Group has flexible offerings in the retail, leasing, shared mobility, subscription and rental segments for private individuals and companies alike. The expansion of the charging infrastructure and the production of more renewable energy using photovoltaics will help create the appropriate framework. One example of this is Helion Energy AG’s solar tariff: this guarantees owners of solar panel systems that the solar power they produce will be purchased at a fixed price. Companies also have the opportunity to purchase renewable solar power to meet their needs. Networked communication between cars, charging stations and energy providers also plays a central role in renewable mobility. The charge:ON charging card solution from Helion Energy AG can be used at over 9,000 charging points in Switzerland and more than 220,000 abroad.


As the AMAG Group transforms into a pioneer for renewable mobility, the skills and abilities that its employees need to bring to the table are also changing. The development required as a result has to be supported and promoted by an open culture.


This transformation process dominated 2023 in terms of in-house developments, too. All employees were motivated to experience the AMAG Group’s strategic orientation and to be part of the change. The emphasis was on three central topics: respectful interaction, psychological safety and ongoing development for managers. These topics are crucial to the success of the AMAG Group and will continue to play an important role in the future when it comes to turning the vision of Switzerland-wide renewable mobility into a reality. Sustainability is becoming increasingly important and is also a new guiding principle for commercial activity. In terms of innovation and research, the AMAG Group is focusing on bidirectional charging, autonomous driving and multimodal mobility for both people and goods.


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