

Good corporate governance with clearly defined rules of play is the prerequisite for successful and sustainable business operations. 


Our contribution



8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth


9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


As digitalisation picks up speed and regulatory requirements become more stringent, companies are having to meet ever-higher demands in terms of good corporate governance. AMAG is specifically addressing this trend in the Fairplay focus area, which addresses the topics of compliance and regulatory requirements, occupational health and safety, cybersecurity and data protection. We are convinced that these topics can only be developed successfully if they are implemented in a transparent and tangible way. Targeted training sessions and information campaigns were organised in all departments in 2023, successfully protecting the AMAG Group.


The AMAG Group’s Innovation & Venture LAB identifies trends, start-ups and new business models, turns ideas into new products and invests in relevant start-ups. With the LAB’s investment in Holo in 2023, AMAG is investing in the field of automated driving. This is an area in which the interplay between regulatory developments, data protection, operational security and digital ethics is becoming increasingly important in algorithms’ decision-making behaviour. 


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